Benefits and Limitations of Yoga for Weight Loss


Nutrition & Weight Loss is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of Obesity. Here you will find the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of obese problems, ultimately leading to huge range of disorders affecting every part of the body. The journal covers up information regarding types of methods to loose weight and the medical devises used.


Being sedentary and eating a diet high in ultra-processed foods, sugar, and fat also cause weight gain. The factors that further lead to weight gain include stress, mental health issues, hormonal changes, poor sleep, and the use of medications to address certain mental health concerns. By lowering stress, improving mood, minimizing emotional eating, and fostering a supportive environment, yoga may aid in weight loss and maintenance. Yoga may improve joint pain, allowing moving more and engaging in more activities each day. It reduces stress, which is one of the main causes of weight gain.

It comes away from feeling calm, alert, and concentrated. Yoga makes our mind, body, and breathes work together harmoniously, which reduces stress. Additionally, they could discover that the awareness they get through calm, soothing yoga practice aids in our weight loss. People might want to give yoga a try if they're attempting to reduce or maintain weight. Yoga can also strengthen our muscular mass and tone while helping burn calories. Yoga aids in weight loss through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle that combines dietary considerations with different yoga practices that are created to burn off extra calories and distribute body fat in a healthy way.

Yoga for weight loss benefits

• Yoga increases flexibility, balance, and strength.

• Back pain alleviation from yoga.

• Yoga helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

• Yoga is good for heart health.

• Yoga can help us relax, which encourages peaceful sleep.

Eight yoga poses that can help us lose weight

Sun salutation: The best yoga asana for losing weight. It tones the muscles in the back, arms, legs, wrists, shoulders, and neck. Pay attention to the process because it is important.

Warrior pose: It increases stamina, which is helpful when performing a challenging yoga workout to lose weight. It is recommended to take ujjayi breaths as people maintain the pose since they provide the stamina to do so.

Bow pose: This helps to reduce localized fat. The arms and legs are also toned by it.

Angle pose: This asana alternately stretches and contracts the thoracic region of the body's muscles, greatly enhancing posture and the wellbeing of the internal organs.

Chair pose: The more fat that is burned, the greater the metabolic rate. The legs, thighs, and knees are all strengthened as a result.

Bridge pose: The thyroid gland, which aids in the production of the hormone that regulates metabolism. In order to burn fatter, this stance enhances metabolism. This pose also stimulates the digestive system by our stomach.

Cobra pose: Used as a substitute to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in the Surya Namesake (Salute to the Sun) cycle of asana (Upwards Dog Pose).

Yoganidra: Sleep and weight are related. The more fat accumulates and weight increases, the less sleep one gets .

Yoga's limitations

They must consume sensibly and regularly engage in heartpumping exercise to burn calories and lose weight. Although more aggressive yoga techniques can give us a better workout than gentle yoga, if losing weight is our first priority, then they should also mix yoga with other cardiovascular exercises people enjoy, such as running or walking. However, yoga can be a crucial component of a program to lose weight .

How yoga can help

Another method that yoga can help with weight loss is through reducing stress and the stress eating that comes with it . Consistent yoga practice increases the likelihood that they will be able to sustain our weight loss by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is crucial to a comprehensive strategy for losing weight.


Yoga practitioners give role models and social support, which may aid in weight loss, especially for those who are having difficulty losing weight. By burning calories, improving awareness, and lowering stress, maintenance is achieved. These elements might assist us in consuming less food and learning the negative repercussions of overeating.

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Journal of Nutrition and Weight Loss