Dermatology and Trichology Treatment

Dermatology is a discipline of medical science that deals with the dermal, skin diseases and associated treatment regime. Clinical practices in relation to dermatology embrace several sub disciplines including Dermatitis, Cosmetic dermatology, Dermatopathology, Immunodermatology, Pediatric dermatology, Cutaneous lymphoma, Lesions, Melanoma, Blisters, etc. Owing to the importance of each sub discipline the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research renders a common platform for the discussion of various important issues.
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research supports the scientific innovation and advancement in all related aspects of Skin, Hair and Nail by increasing access to peer-reviewed scientific literature. It also brings multiple internationally peer reviewed journals under one roof, thereby encouraging knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary science. We are the journal initiated with the vision to inspire the readers with the latest happenings in the subjects of Dermatology and other relevant fields. Our mission is to serve as a great resource for scientists, doctors, researchers and students across the globe.
The Editorial panel of Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research is overwhelmed by the response and eagerness of the academic and research contributors to publish with the journal and take part in the 10 year-long celebrations. During this year, we look forward to taking some initiatives that would encourage and reward our prospective audience which include dermatologists, clinicians, research scientists, decision-makers and a range of professionals in the healthcare community.
Realizing the importance of this field, LONGDOM Group has organized a prestigious conference on 18th Global Dermatology Congress which was held in Budapest, Hungary under the theme ‘Providing a global platform to explore and enhance the future of medicine and cosmetics for Skincare’.
The conference includes around 120 Abstracts and 75 Keynote speakers have given their valuable words. The meet has provided a great scope for interaction of professionals including in addition to clinical experts and top-level dermatologists and scientists around the globe, on a single platform.
Eminent speakers lined up to share valuable include Thomas Haffner, Y Babich, Katalin Berger, Irdina Drljevic and many more.
Media Contact:
Kathy Andrews
Journal Manager
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research