Indicators of Functional Dependency and Institutionalization in the Elderly Population

Ðe main objectives of Gerontology are not only to increase longevity, but it seeks to increase the quality of life [1]. Active aging is the ability of people to adapt to the changes typical of aging in the sense of functionality (can perform daily activities independently) and health promotion. Currently, the capacity of the person, their expectations and their ability to participate in all areas of social life are prolonged much longer than in previous decades. ÐLs process is irreversible, universal process, and Dوٴects to every individual. In this process a number of physical, psychological and social changes occur, but not at the same time and degree in all people. Ðe inter-individual variability [2] implies that as elderly population tend to be more heterogeneous in the psychological, physiological or social functioning due to biological or biographical factors. Also, we must talk about intra-individual variability which means that if an elder changes in a certain function, behavior, psychological or physiological capacity or ability does not mean that he has to produce changes in other functions. In any case, there are also capabilities that are maintained or may even improve [2]. Ðese changes originate situations of physical and psychological dependence in the elderly.