Predictive Variables of Professionalism Among Nurse Educators of Nothen Indian States

Patients must be cared by nurses who are not only competent but also behave professionally. Nursing is considered as highly respected profession in Society. Nurse educators are in the unique position to inculcate professional values in the education, practice and also among students. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was planned to determine the predictive variables of professionalism among nurse educators working in selected northern Indian states. A total of 343 samples were recruited using maximum variation sampling from the 37 institutions of 23 districts of the selected states. Flexner criterion of professionalism was used to assess the professionalism of nurse educators. Likelihood ratio test (logistic regression analysis) revealed the predictive variables of professionalism that include professional experience, qualification, nature of college management and its duration of establishment, post graduate institutions and institutions attached with own medical college. The study was concluded that number of personal, professional and organizational variables determine the professionalism of the nurse educators.