Requirement of precision of instruments in laboratories


Basic choices concerning nature of made merchandise and distribution of examination discoveries are regularly founded on aftereffects of research center investigation. Research facility instruments are intended to give investigation aftereffects of high dependability. You probably considered what all elements add to your certainty on the outcomes produced by a logical instrument. Allow us first to drill down a portion of the basic factors that are accepted to add to serious level of dependability of research facility information.

Sophistication of the Instrument

Complexity of the instrument just adds to its operational highlights and advantages, for example, robotized operation,need for manual estimation of results, easy to understand application programming, inbuilt security highlights, and so forth Such degrees of refinement make life simple for the administrator and lessen the degree of individual inclination and human mistakes yet don't ensure a serious level of unwavering quality of results.

Precision, repeatability and reproducibility

The term accuracy is utilized to depict the level of opportunity of an estimation framework from arbitrary mistakes. Subsequently, a high accuracy estimation instrument will give just a little spread of readings whenever rehashed readings are taken of a similar amount. A low exactness estimation framework will give a huge spread of readings. For instance, consider the accompanying two arrangements of readings acquired for rehashed estimations of similar amount by two distinct instruments:

20.1 mm, 20.2 mm, 20.1 mm, 20.0 mm, 20.1mm, 20.1 mm, 20.0 mm
19.9 mm, 20.3 mm, 20.0 mm, 20.5 mm, 20.2 mm, 19.8 mm, 20.3 mm

The results of the measurement give values scattered about some value. The first set of results shows a smaller spread of readings than the second and indicates a higher degree of precision for the instrument used for the first set.

The terms repeatability and reproducibility are ways of talking about precision in specific contexts. The term repeatability is used for the ability of a measurement system to give the same value for repeated measurements of the same value of a variable. Common cause of lack of repeatability are random fluctuations in the environment, e.g. changes in temperature and humidity. The error arising from repeatability is usually expressed as a percentage of the full range output. For example, a pressure sensor might be quoted as having a repeatability of ±0.1% of full range. Thus with a range of 20 kPa this would be an error of ± 20 Pa.

Note that precision should not be confused with accuracy. High precision does not mean high accuracy. A high precision instrument could have low accuracy.

Media Contact: 
Allison Grey 
Journal Manager 
Journal of Clinical chemistry and Laboratory Medicine